Where is PAN heading for?


  • Jacek Kuźnicki Międzynarodowy Instytut Biologii Molekularnej i Komórkowej w Warszawie


Polish Academy of Sciences, General Assembly, long-term strategy, European structural funds, new parliamentary bill, 2010 World Report, prestige and role of Polish research, Max Planck Society


The text contains my views presented at the General Assembly of members of the Polish Academy of Science on May 26, 2011. I have criticized the activities of the authorities and members of the Academy, which in my opinion during last ten years, did not have a long-term strategy and did not use all available opportunities to strengthen the Academy. I gave several examples such as lack of own project of a new law for the Academy, very limited use of European structural funds, no major activities directed towards the public and politicians, no support for the leading institutes and for institutes in need of new buildings. These and other matters decreased the prestige of the Academy and its role in Polish research area even though its institutes were ranked 72 in the 2010 World Report, while leading Polish universities – between positions 362-565. At the end I propose certain activities, which could help to restore the prestige and importance of the Academy, hoping that new authorities will have a clear plan for the next years, and will be very active in fulfilling it.


