Exorcisms and the dream of fame. A few remarks of the humanities representative overwhelmed with doubts


  • Stanisław Filipowicz Instytut Nauk Politycznych, Uniwersytet Warszawski


science, reform, humanities, efficiency, radicalism, market-oriented thinking, competition


The article offers a bird’s-eye view on the program of reforms in science and university education, which have recently been implemented in Poland, in expectation to start a process of a far-reaching modernization. It attempts to identify and highlight a challenging message underpinning a whole concept of the reform; its deep radicalism is revealed and accentuated. The reform was conceived as a large-scale relocation of symbolical capital, creating new resources of influence and prestige, and changing the principles of self-identification in the milieu of scientists, by juxtaposing the old and the new “regime”, and creating the aura of a great promise and expectations – promoting the vision of a Great Leap to the kingdom of opportunity. By stressing the fundamental role of a competition based efficiency, it was trying to connect science to the experience of market economy. The article is focused on serious doubts that must arise, in this perspective, when a peculiar character of the humanities is taken into consideration. It is intended to confront the “politics of putting to shame”, designed to boost the triumphant message of the reformers.


