Peer Review Procedure

Each of the received manuscripts, provided it satisfies the formal requirements set by the NAUKA in the section Preparation of Manuscript is redirected to a relevant member of the Editorial Board who select at least two reviewers who will be asked to review the manuscript. The peer review are blind or double-blind. The names of the reviewers are only exceptionally disclosed to the author. Based on the received reviews, the Editorial Board i.e. the editor-in-chief, the deputy editor-in-chief, and editors in charge of specified sections decide whether the submitted manuscript meets the standards set by NAUKA. The Editorial Board then decides whether a manuscript is ready for publication without any additional improvements, or needs some improvements (conditionally accepted) or does not meet the NAUKA standards and is rejected. In each case the authors receive information and the reasons for the decision. When a manuscript is conditionally accepted, the editors expect that suggested amendments are made, or an explanation why the original text should be left intact provided. Manuscripts with clearly marked changes and detailed comments provided by the authors addressing the reviewers' remarks, are once again sent to the reviewers. If the reviewers accept the corrections or explanations, the manuscript undergoes linguistic and editorial proofreading. After that, the 'proofed' paper is sent to authors for their final approval. Qualified reviewers may be suggested by the authors, but referees are chosen on discretion of the editor who may not use authors suggestions. Papers returned to the authors for revisions must be resubmitted within two month. If submitted later, they will be considered as a new submissions.
    In some exceptional and justified cases the Editors reserve the right not to follow the above procedure.

Rules for reviewers: The reviewers are asked to make the following statements:
1) I agree that I will promptly disclose all potentially conflicting financial and other relevant interests pertaining to NAUKA during the course of my service as a reviewer
2) I agree that I will not disclose or use any confidential information obtained from my activities with NAUKA reviewing.
The reviewer should provide the fulfilled and signed Reviewer’s Report Form with all attachments in written form.
The list of reviewers is published once in a year (usually with the last issue in a given year)