Just inequality or unjust quality? Implications for education


  • Zbigniew Kwieciński Dolnośląska Szkoła Wyższa, Wrocław


freedom, equality, system organizing principles, capitalism, democracy, equal start, equal rights, equal access, equal participation, equal results


Out of John Rawls’s theory of just state, the author builds up four models containing the solution to the contradictories between capitalistic rule of freedom to multiply goods and the democratic rule of equal changes. Neoliberal and conservative models both emphasize the importance of the equal start in the competition for the privileged positions and equal rights of individuals in their efforts to access the elites. On the other hand, distributive democracy models stress rather the role of structurally-granted equal access to education of all levels and equal presence of schools and universities students coming from different social groups. Commonly rejected is the model of equal results postulated by most radical leftist ideologies.


