The architectural traces of christianisation on Silesia in IX-X c.


  • Edmund Małachowicz Wrocław


architecture, church, christianisation, Silesia


The discovery of older buildings relics under Wrocław Cathedral in 1997 and 1998, initiated investigations of early mediaeval architecture in Silesia, which took place until the year 2007. As a result not only the processes of development of main strongholds – Niemcza and Wrocław – were examined but also the remains of hitherto unknown sanctuaries were discovered – stone churches in Niemcza and Gilów (late 9th c.), in Wrocław (early 10th c.) and on the hill of Gromnik (c. mid. – 10th c.). Three of them are similar to Moravian churches, hall like with a choir annex, and the fourth is a gable roof rotunda. Most likely these were sanctuaries of oldest slavonic rites (of Cyrillic-Methodian type). One of them, in Wrocław was rebuilt and enlarged to the cross scheme like the church in Libica (Czech) about 965 and changed into the Latin one. In this church the mission bishopric for christianisation of Silesia and south part of Poland was organised. Later, in 1000 the church became the first cathedral of Wrocław bishopric, in the new created Polish Church – Metropolis. Many discoveries were made by use of georadar.


