Application of satellite remote sensing in investigation of environment in Poland


  • Andrzej Ciołkosz Instytut Geodezji i Kartografii, Warszawa
  • Stanisław Białousz Wydział Geodezji i Kartografii, Politechnika Warszawska


Remote Sensing Centre, land use, image maps, NDVI, yield forecast, monitoring of Baltic


The Remote Sensing Centre has been set up within the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography shortly after launching the first environmental satellite. The main task of the Centre was to use satellite images in research of environment. The Landsat images have been used by the Centre to elaborate the first maps of land use in Poland. Satellite images have also been used to assess the forest damage in Sudety Mountains, elaboration of the satellite maps, assess of the air pollution in the country and elaboration of the soil data bases for Poland. Satellite images acquired in microwaves have been used to map a flood extent in Odra River Valley and to estimate damage caused by the flood. The most diverse application satellite images found in agriculture. They were used for assessment of the stage of crop development, crop yield and production of the cereals in Poland. Several other scientific institutes have also used satellite images in their investigation. One of them was the Institute of Oceanology. It has used satellite images for the Baltic ecosystem monitoring.


