Czesław Stanisław Cierniewski – in memoriam: two voices


  • Grzegorz Bartosz Katedra Biofizyki Molekularnej Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
  • Jolanta Niewiarowska Zakład Molekularnych Mechanizmów Komórkowych Katedry Nauk Biomedycznych Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi


Czesław Cierniewski, Polish Academy of Sciences – Łódź Branch, Committee of Biochemistry and Biophysics PAS, Medical University of Łódź, Institute of Medical Biology PAS


Prof. Czesław S. Cierniewski, outstanding biochemist and biophysicist, died prematurely in 2013. He was Head of the Department of Biophysics of the Medical University of Łódź,  ordinary member of Polish Academy of Sciences, and President of the Łódź Branch of PAS, Chairman of the Committee of Biochemistry and Biophysics PAS and founder of the Institute of Medical Biophysics PAS. A scientific session dedicated to his memory will be organized by the Łódź Branch of PAS on October 24, 2014.


