The Committee of Bioethics at Presidium of the Polish Academy of Sciences: its activity, function, and objectives


  • Zbigniew Szawarski em. profesor Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, obecnie Narodowy Instytut Zdrowia Publicznego – PZH. Przewodniczący Komitetu Bioetyki przy Prezydium PAN


bioethics committee, ethical opinion formation, state-decision making bodies advising, reproduction ethics, preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), genetic testing, conscience clause


The Polish Committee of Bioethics at the Presidium of the Polish Academy of Sciences has been established on 22 March 2011. This paper, which has been presented at the inaugural
meeting of the Committee (21 June 2011) explains the idea, background and typology of bioethics committees and defines the scope of interests of the Committee and its modus of operandi. The paper contains an appendix which presents achievements of the Committee in 2011-2014. In that time the Committee has issued 4 statements: on the ethical problems of
reproductive medicine and clinical genetics, and the need for their legal regulation, on ethics of preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), on the market of private genetic testing, and on the conscience clause. These statements are available in Polish at the




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