Why we say no to GMO in the Polish agriculture


  • Katarzyna Lisowska
  • Mieczysław Chorąży członek rzeczywisty PAN – Centrum Badań Translacyjnych i Biologii Molekularnej Nowotworów, Centrum Onkologii – Instytut im. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie, Oddział w Gliwicach


GMO, Polish agriculture


Politics of the Polish Ministry of Agriculture must remain in reasonable compliance with the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union. We have to bear in mind that, as of now, Poland is obligated to reduce production in many branches of agriculture. Thus, there is no requirement to increase productivity by implementing GMO technology. In addition, Poland now is one of the leaders of the European food market: our products are known for their quality and are readily accepted by GMO-skeptic European consumers. Poland will loose this position when our products shall contain GMO. This may bring quantifiable losses to our economy. Thus, it is advisable to follow the strategy of other European countries, for example Germany, France or others that banned GM crops. This will become easier in the near future because EC is just about to change pertinent regulations and allow member countries to make their own decisions in this matter.


