Podróż ku tradycjom Lwowa. Z dziejów wrocławskiego środowiska akademickiego
Słowa kluczowe:
partnership, hierarchical structure, Lwów traditionsAbstrakt
The academic environment of Wrocław emerged and developed in particularly difficult conditions of the post WWII era. Thanks to continuation of the tradition, experience and contributions of leading scientists from the former Jan Kazimierz University of Lwów, it quickly achieved an important, internationally recognized position in particular in mathematics and chemistry. Two different sociological concepts of relations within the scientific community have developed simultaneously: (1) partnership between leaders and research team members, (2) hierarchical structure based on authority of a leader. History proved that both may be effective. Wrocław became a modern center of research management comparable to leading western universities. The general approach based on relationship „between master and a follower” has been replaced by the more effective relatioship „between a school and a follower”. Similarly to the Lwów tradition the Wrocław Scientific Society has played an integrative role in relations among scientists of different disciplines.Pobrania