Nauka w Polsce w obliczu nowej perspektywy finansowej UE 2014-2020 i nowego programu ramowego tej perspektywy – Horizon 2020
Słowa kluczowe:
framework programmes, Horizon 2020, science policy, excellence criterionAbstrakt
Poland does not fare well in EU programmes due to low budget for scientific research and lack of excellence-based criterion in Polish scientific policy. In the 6th Framework Programme (2002-2006) in relation to GDP we placed last among all EU member states. If nothing changes, the gap between Poland and other European countries will only widen in the 7th Framework Programme (2007-2013). If we do not introduce radical changes, in the Horizon 2020 (Framework Programme for 2014-2020) we are likely to fare so badly that it will marginalize Polish science in Europe. To prevent such ill fate we must introduce and implement excellence as the fundamental principle and evaluation criterion in Poland’s scientific policy. All domestic decisions with respect to research projects, equipment and infrastructural investments should be taken based on the excellence criterion. It is in our best interest to maintain excellence as the most important principle when distributing funds both from the domestic budget as well as from the EU Structural Funds. Only then scientists and research institutions in Poland shall be able to successfully compete in European programs.Pobrania